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时间:2015-07-17 12:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:43.92]a bottle of olive oil I absolutely could not live without, and a huge bunch of branches 一瓶不可或缺的橄榄油 还有一大束树枝 [01:47.44]was that the branches were probably not a good idea. 这才使我意识到 买这
  •   [01:43.92]a bottle of olive oil I absolutely could not live without, and a huge bunch of branches 一瓶不可或缺的橄榄油 还有一大束树枝
      [01:47.44]was that the branches were probably not a good idea. 这才使我意识到 买这些树枝回来真是折腾
      [01:51.72]Sorry. 对不起
      [01:53.16]They were slapping folks in the face right and left and I was sweating like a pig. 它们时不时会刮到行人 我还挥汗如雨
      [01:56.40]Not surprising, since I’ve been way too busy cooking fattening7 food to bother exercising. 没啥好惊讶的 我只知道做增肥的食物没顾上锻炼了
      [02:01.36]And then I came home and got a big vote of confidence from my mother. 而当我回到家 又得到了老妈的大力支持
      [02:07.52]Remind me again why you’re doing this... 再说一遍,你为啥做这个...
      [02:11.08]- Blog. - Whatever it’s called. - 博客 - 管它是什么
      [02:12.84]It’s a regimen, Mom. Like doing sit-ups. 权当是养生吧,就像做仰卧起坐
      [02:17.16]- Well, it’s just adding pressure. - What pressure? - 是么,但这徒增压力 - 什么压力?
      [02:21.80]You have a full-time8 job, you have a husband, 你有一份全职工作 你有一位丈夫
      [02:22.04]and now you’re gonna get sick from blogging. 而你现在居然迷上了什么博客
      [02:27.92]- It’s sort of like being in AA. - What are you saying? - 这就像是加入了AA - 你在说什么?
      [02:30.16]It gives you something you have to do every day, one day at a time. 它让你每天的固定时间都有事可做
      [02:33.72]How do you know this lingo9? 你是怎么知道这个词的?
      [02:35.72]Honey, are you an alcoholic10? 亲爱的,你没喝醉吧?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
