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时间:2015-07-07 12:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:03.84]Yeah, I dont get it. If only I could be my own assistant. 对啊,我就不懂了,要是我能做自己的助手就好了 [00:08.32]Fire your assistant and dont hire a replacement1. 炒了你的助手,别再雇新的助手 [0
  •   [00:03.84]Yeah, I don’t get it. If only I could be my own assistant. 对啊,我就不懂了,要是我能做自己的助手就好了
      [00:08.32]Fire your assistant and don’t hire a replacement1. 炒了你的助手,别再雇新的助手
      [00:08.92]You can be. 你可以的
      [00:13.88]No, that’s not what I mean, Julie. 不,Jule,我不是那个意思
      [00:14.08]Excuse me. Oh... 抱歉,噢...
      [00:18.36]- Oh, those are cute. - Oh, thanks. Thanks. - 哦,这个好好看啊 - 哦,谢谢
      [00:20.72]Okay, tell them 190, 1-9-0. Great. 好的,告诉他们190,190,好的
      [00:25.40]"1-9-0." What? What are you up to? 190,你在说什么呢?
      [00:29.92]$190 million. We’re assembling a parcel at Midtown. 一亿九千万美元,我们在市中心建一群东西
      [00:33.96]Oh, wow. Oh, oh, that is so great, Cassie. 哦,哇,太棒了,Coasia
      [00:35.76]A parcel of what? 建一群什么?
      [00:38.12]Buildings. 房子
      [00:40.32]We’re gonna tear them all down and put up a high-rise. 我们要把老房子全都拆了,再建新的更高的房子
      [00:42.40]- To your parcel. - Thank you. - 为你的房地产干杯 - 谢谢
      [00:48.20]And enough about you, here’s to me. 你说够了,该说说我了
      [00:49.24]As of yesterday, I am the senior vice2 president in charge of corporate3 publicity4. 昨天,我成了公司宣传部的副主席
      [00:54.92]- No. - Which means I get a raise - 不是吧 - 也就是说我升职了
      [00:58.60]and I can borrow half a million dollars at 2% if I want to. 如果我愿意,我能以2%的利息贷50万美元的款了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
