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时间:2015-07-07 12:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:02.60]- Great. - If you want to? - 太棒了 - 只要你愿意吗? [01:05.20]- So hows your job, Julie? - Oh, its... - Julie,你的工作怎么样了? - 噢,很... [01:07.68]- I can only imagine. Heartbreaking. - So sad. - 我能猜
  •   [01:02.60]- Great. - If you want to? - 太棒了 - 只要你愿意吗?
      [01:05.20]- So how’s your job, Julie? - Oh, it’s... - Julie,你的工作怎么样了? - 噢,很...
      [01:07.68]- I can only imagine. Heartbreaking. - So sad. - 我能猜到,让人心碎 - 太可怜了
      [01:10.36]- Painful. - Not in a bad way. - 太痛苦了 - 我们没有恶意
      [01:12.12]- Excuse me. Oh, God, I forgot. - Excuse me. - 抱歉,哦,天哪,我忘了 - 抱歉
      [01:16.00]- Hello? - Hello? - 喂? - 喂?
      [01:17.28]- Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨
      [01:18.80]Hey, Jules? I have got to interview you for this piece that I’m writing. 嘿,Jules,为了写这篇文章我要采访你了
      [01:22.96]Sure, Annabelle, great. I’d be honored. 当然,Annabelle,没问题,我很荣幸
      [01:26.44]Find out about dry cleaning. Find out before dinner on Thursday. 找个干洗店 安排星期五的晚餐
      [01:29.64]Saturday party. 星期四的派对
      [01:33.72]No. 别吃这个
      [01:35.12]I cannot computer-coach you every day while I’m with my girlfriends. 我不能每天都用电脑联系你
      [01:39.76]What is it about? The article? 这篇文章是关于什么的?
      [01:41.04]It’s about our generation turning 30. 是关于我们这代人的
      [01:45.12]People turning 30. Oh, my life, I am so busy. 关于奔三十的这帮人的 哦,我的人生哪,我太忙了
      [01:56.28]May I remind you, I don’t want to see you, you want to see me? 我得提醒一下,不是我要见你,是你要见我

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
