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时间:2015-07-07 12:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:12.32]Ritual Cobb salad lunch tomorrow. 明天中午又要照例在Cobb餐厅吃沙拉大餐了 [04:16.24]Dreading6, dreading, dreading. 可怕,可怕,太可怕了 [04:20.08]Subway. 我坐地铁来的 [04:21.48]- Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨
  •   [04:12.32]Ritual Cobb salad lunch tomorrow. 明天中午又要照例在Cobb餐厅吃沙拉大餐了
      [04:16.24]Dreading6, dreading, dreading. 可怕,可怕,太可怕了
      [04:20.08]Subway. 我坐地铁来的
      [04:21.48]- Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨
      [04:24.60]How are you? 你好吗?
      [04:25.96]What can I get for you ladies? 女士们你们要什么?
      [04:27.04]I will have a Cobb salad, no bleu cheese. 我要Cobb沙拉,不加芦柑
      [04:29.56]- Cobb salad, no beets7. - Cobb salad, no bacon. - Cobb沙拉,不加甜菜 - Cobb沙拉,不加咸肉
      [04:32.32]- Cobb salad, no eggs. - Okay, tell them... - Cobb沙拉,不加鸡蛋 - 好了,告诉他们
      [04:35.40]Are you listening carefully, Tracy? Tell them to take the offer up to 185. 你在听我说话吗? 告诉他们把价码加到185
      [04:40.68]- Here she goes. - Repeat after me, Tracy. 重复我说的,Tracy
      [04:43.68]- 1-8-5. - What’s going on? - 185 - 怎么回事?
      [04:46.68]And call me the second you hear back. 一有消息就打电话给我
      [04:47.24]My assistant. It’s almost not worth having one. 是我的助手 不要这么个没用的助手还好点
      [04:51.64]I know. Yesterday I said to Allison, 我就知道,昨天我对Allison说
      [04:53.28]"Go to the pharmacy8, get me a pair of black pantyhose." 去药店给我买些黑药丸
      [04:56.32]She came back and said, "They didn’t have any." 他居然回来跟我说他们那儿没有那个卖
      [04:58.20]I said, "Did you try another pharmacy?" I mean, really. 我问他:“你有没有去另一家药店问问?” 我是说真的
      [05:00.96]Or Bloomingdale’s. What’s wrong with trying Bloomingdale’s? 或者去Blaamiaghala(一家便利店)问问 去Blaamiaghala问问到底会怎么样啊?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
