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时间:2015-07-07 12:29来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:32.80]他呼喊 呼唤 真是太可怜了 He does a Iot of crying. The whoIe thing is pretty pathetic2. [02:35.34]我真不敢想象 l dont even Iike to think about it. [02:37.34]他一定是伤心透了 He must not be that brokenhearte
  •   [02:32.80]他呼喊 呼唤 真是太可怜了 He does a Iot of crying. The whoIe thing is pretty pathetic2.
      [02:35.34]我真不敢想象 l don’t even Iike to think about it.
      [02:37.34]他一定是伤心透了 He must not be that brokenhearted.
      [02:39.34]我电话他好多次 他都不回我 l caIIed him a bunch3 of times, and he never even caIIed me back, so
      [02:43.04]是不是 那个 他有喜欢上的人了 lsls ls he seeing ls he seeing someone now?
      [02:45.55]我想我们是来讨论我做你律师的问题的... l thought we made a deaI when l became your Iawyer...
      [02:48.72]我们没必要去讨论关于我好友的私生活 that we wouId not discuss affairs of the heart as it reIates to my best friend.
      [02:52.55]是吗?      好吧  Did we not?         No. Right. Okay.
      [02:54.76]不说这些了      好  AII right?         Yep. Mmhmm.
      [02:57.22]嘿 凯特 快点了 我们再不出发就要迟到了  Hey, Kate. Come on. Let’s go. We’re gonna be Iate.
      [03:00.46]帕蒂 他没告诉你我们晚上要出去吃晚饭吗 God, PattI. DId he tell you? We already had dInner plans.
      [03:03.56]真对不起 我完全忘记了今晚要去见他的父母 l’m so sorry. l totaIIy forgot that we were seeing his parents.
      [03:06.73]凯特 这没什么大不了的 Kate, it’s no big deaI.
      [03:08.74]是啊 告诉你她其实有多么期待这件事啊 Yeah, gives you an idea of how much she’s Iooking forward to it, right?
      [03:11.74]快走吧 我妈妈好想你呢 Now Iet’s go. My mom misses you.
      [03:13.84]我可是很幽默的 记得吗? l’m the funny one, remember?
      [03:15.84]好了 我也要回去看会书 lt’s filne. l’m gonna go home and do some reading.
      [03:18.08]享受自我空间      别啊 和我一起去吧  AII by myseIf, aIone.         Oh. No. No. Come with me.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
