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时间:2015-07-07 12:29来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:45.09]真是见鬼 This sucks. [00:50.16]好吧 Okay. [01:25.49]一段时间后 [01:55.23]你的小说真是太棒了 我简直不敢相信 II just cant belIeve hoWGreat the revIeWs are for your novel. [01:59.17]真是不可思议啊 l
  •   [00:45.09]真是见鬼 This sucks.
      [00:50.16]好吧 Okay.
      [01:55.23]你的小说真是太棒了 我简直不敢相信 II just can’t belIeve hoWGreat the revIeWs are for your novel.
      [01:59.17]真是不可思议啊 l mean, unbeIievabIe.
      [02:01.24]我虽然喜欢但是把它看完还真是煎熬啊 l gotta admit though. l had a tough time getting through it.
      [02:03.74]你让我成天去翻字典 You had me going to the dictionary way too much.
      [02:08.31]你 你没有告诉我布莱恩回来了 So you didn’tyou didn’t teII me that Brian was coming back to town.
      [02:11.45]我没说过吗? l didn’t mention that to you?
      [02:13.78]你肯定是健忘 对吧? No. Must have just sIipped your mind though, huh?
      [02:16.02]是啊 记性真是不好 Must have just sIipped my mind.
      [02:18.09]那他 他为什么不呆在纽约? So why hasn’t he, um, been spending that much time in New York?
      [02:22.19]他也要出他的新书 所以需要出去找灵感 WeII, you know, he’s got his new book out too, so he’s doing the book tour.
      [02:25.79]但我觉得是某些东西伤了他的心啊... But l think it has something to do with the fact that you broke his heart...
      [02:29.13]他在纽约就会不停的想着你 and he can’t waIk around the streets of New York without thinking about you.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
