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时间:2015-07-07 12:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:34.59]这根本没有任何意义 帕蒂 This doesnt make any sense, Patti. [04:36.36]好吧 我们都是单身 Come on. WereWere... both singIe. [04:38.36]我们都互相欣赏 We both want this. [04:40.43]为什么我们现在就不能在
  •   [04:34.59]这根本没有任何意义 帕蒂 This doesn’t make any sense, Patti.
      [04:36.36]好吧 我们都是单身 Come on. We’reWe’re... both singIe.
      [04:38.36]我们都互相欣赏 We both want this.
      [04:40.43]为什么我们现在就不能在一起呢 Why not just go for it now?
      [04:42.70]因为我需要时间 Because l need time for me.
      [04:46.17]来调节 To heaI.
      [04:48.17]让我重新审视自己 To get to know myseIf again.
      [04:50.24]我想回到我过去的写作工作... l want to get back to working on my noveI...
      [04:53.31]如果我那么快就接受你... and if l jump into a reIationship with you...
      [04:55.51]那我就会太注重我们的感情而忽略了写作... then l’m just gonna be focused on us instead of my writing...
      [04:58.01]我不想让这些再发生 and that can’t happen again.
      [05:00.18]我需要给自己的写作第二个春天 l need to give my writing a second chance.
      [00:03.68]你要记得你在和谁说话 You do remember who you’re taIking to.
      [00:06.02]我就是那个让你重拾笔杆的那个人 l’m the guy who was pushing you to start writing again.
      [00:09.02]所以你和每个人都要明白      那...  So you of aII peopIe shouId understand.         WeII, then...
      [00:11.46]为什么他们会互相矛盾 whwhy do they need to be mutuaIIy excIusive?
      [00:14.50]你可以边工作边恋爱啊 You can work and be in a reIationship.
      [00:18.67]所以 我们 我们第二个 So, What? So So our our second
      [00:20.94]是第三个机会 真的 不管怎样 就是现在 ThIrd chance, really Whatever It Is noW
      [00:23.70]现在需要等吗 has to wait now?
      [00:26.41]我从来没有停止过爱你 真的 l never stopped Ioving you. l l do.
      [00:33.71]我爱你 我只是需要时间 l Iove you. l just need time.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
