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时间:2015-06-25 12:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:10.54]这边走 WeII go this way. [03:14.21]有些事你必须向我澄清 Okay, theres something you have to cIarify for me. [03:16.58]任何事 你究竟是怎么通过律师考试的 Anything. How the heII did you pass the bar? [03:1
  •   [03:10.54]这边走 We’II go this way.
      [03:14.21]有些事你必须向我澄清 Okay, there’s something you have to cIarify for me.
      [03:16.58]任何事      你究竟是怎么通过律师考试的 Anything.         How the heII did you pass the bar?
      [03:19.58]我撒了个小慌 很小的 l may have cheated a tiny, IittIe bit.
      [03:21.58]我都是第三次了 不然我要怎么办?  lt was my third time. What was l supposed to do?
      [03:23.92]我就知道 我就知道 l knew it. l knew it.
      [03:51.31]我真不敢相信 你想在这里见面 I can’t belIeve you Wanted to meet here.
      [03:55.78]同样的长凳 The same bench?
      [03:58.45]你总能让我出乎意料 You kind of take aII the drama and anticipation6 out of it.
      [04:01.96]或许是你想说明它是怀有希望的 Thought maybe you couId interpret7 it as hopefuI.
      [04:05.79]怀有希望的      是啊  HopefuI?         Yeah.
      [04:07.86]这里是我们第一次分手的地方 This is where we broke up the filrst time.
      [04:10.97]但我们又在一起 Yeah, but we reconnected.
      [04:14.57]不好意思 我很纳闷 我们还是在一起的吗 l’m sorry. l’m confused. Are we stiII together?
      [04:17.27]不 No.
      [04:22.61]那为什么我要假设它是由希望的 Then why am l supposed to be hopefuI?
      [04:25.08]因为我喜欢...在一起 Because l want to be... together.
      [04:27.45]只是不是现在 不是 Just not now. Not yet.
      [04:31.72]你在做什么? What are you doing?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
