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时间:2015-06-25 12:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:34.64]可惜了波萝伏洛干酪 没关系 regardIess of how good the prosciutto is. AII right. [02:37.27]我只是想这样会很美妙 AII right, l just thought maybe it couId be nice. [02:39.71]一个简单的散步可以帮我们回忆
  •   [02:34.64]可惜了波萝伏洛干酪      没关系  regardIess of how good the prosciutto is.         AII right.
      [02:37.27]我只是想这样会很美妙 AII right, l just thought maybe it couId be nice.
      [02:39.71]一个简单的散步可以帮我们回忆起从前的点滴 You know, a IittIe waIk down memory Iane back in the park.
      [02:42.48]真是个好主意 但不是今晚 lt’s a sweet idea, but not tonight.
      [02:44.48]今晚 我希望你带我去 Tonight l want you to take me...
      [02:46.48]纽约最好的餐厅 to the best restaurant in New York.
      [02:48.62]你定义的"最好"是最好的食物 还是最浪漫 WeII, you gotta defilne ’’best.’’ Are you taIkin’ best food, most romantic?
      [02:52.49]都要 而且要昂贵的      真的吗  Both. And expensive.         ReaIIy?
      [02:54.66]为什么 这很重要吗 And why is, uh, that so important?
      [02:57.53]因为我是个老师 而你刚买了35亿美元的公寓 ’Cause l’m a teacher, and you just bought an apartment for $3.5 miIIion.
      [03:00.76]这样的理由足够了吗?      好主意  ls that a good enough reason for you?         Good point.
      [03:04.23]你今天很美 You Iook very nice tonight.
      [03:06.23]所以想昂贵点的? So you Want expensIve, huh?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
