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时间:2015-07-07 12:30来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:21.12]别再找借口不去见家长了 Any excuse not to have to taIk to his mom. [03:23.42]嘿 快点了 凯特 Hey, Kate. Lets Go. [03:28.72]你怎么了 没事啊 Are you okay? Yeah. [03:31.63]我很好 真的 没事的 No, l lm gre
  •   [03:21.12]别再找借口不去见家长了  Any excuse not to have to taIk to his mom.
      [03:23.42]嘿 快点了 凯特 Hey, Kate. Let’s Go.
      [03:28.72]你怎么了      没事啊  Are you okay?         Yeah.
      [03:31.63]我很好 真的 没事的 No, l l’m great. lt’s aII good.
      [03:37.83]你好 布莱恩 Hi, Brian.
      [03:40.07]法兰克死了吗      是的  So Frank4’s dead.         Yes, he is.
      [03:43.74]那一切都结束了吗? Does this mean it’s over?
      [03:46.24]是的 这是最后一本奈特系列了 lt is the Last KnIGht5.
      [03:48.34]好吧 Yeah.
      [04:02.22]勒翰先生 不好意思 Uh, Mr. CaIIahan. Hey. l’m sorry.
      [04:04.23]我知道你已经签售一个小时了       是啊  Uh, l know you’ve been here an hour aIready.         Yeah.
      [04:06.86]但排队已经排到转角了      真的吗?  But there is a Iine down to the corner.         ReaIIy?
      [04:10.73]是啊 我想 Yeah. And,
      [04:12.80]您能否再多呆会儿呢 比预期多呆会 uh So you might have to stay here a IittIe bit Ionger than anticipated6.
      [04:15.40]可以吗?      没问题  WiII that be okay?         That’s filne.
      [04:19.21]谢谢 Thanks.
      [04:21.21]嗨      帅哥 太棒了  Hi.         Dude. Loved it.
      [04:23.51]是吗?      千真万确  Yeah?         Loved it.
      [04:24.81]你能重新写奈特小说 我真是太高兴了 I am so Glad that you Got back to KnIGht tales.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
