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时间:2015-06-25 12:57来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:43.43]就9点吧 9点见 Make it 9:00 then. AII right. 9:00 it is. [04:47.14]到时见了 亲爱的 See you then, sweetheart. [04:51.34]谢谢你的午餐 很美味 So thanks for Iunch. lt was nice. [04:53.34]不客气 明天联系你 Y
  •   [04:43.43]就9点吧      9点见  Make it 9:00 then.         AII right. 9:00 it is.
      [04:47.14]到时见了 亲爱的 See you then, sweetheart.
      [04:51.34]谢谢你的午餐 很美味 So thanks for Iunch. lt was nice.
      [04:53.34]不客气      明天联系你  Yeah.         l’II caII you tomorrow, or something.
      [04:56.88]就这样吗? That’s it?
      [04:59.05]我们就这样结束约会 不邀请我去你的公寓吗? ls that the end of the date? l mean, you’re not gonna ask me up to your flat?
      [00:02.95]不 不 我有工作要做 No. No, ll have work to do.
      [00:06.35]为什么? 有谁在那里? Why? ls somebody there?
      [00:09.42]除了凯特 没有了 Uh, besides Kate?No.
      [00:12.56]除了 现在是中午 BesIdes, It’s the mIddle of the afternoon.
      [00:14.60]我明白了 中午的约会 Oh! Oh, l get it. BriIIiant. Right. Lunch date.
      [00:18.37]我能问你个问题吗? Okay. Can l ask you a question?
      [00:20.80]在所有该死的纽约人 Of aII the bIoody peopIe in New York,
      [00:22.92]你是不是只重新投向过他的怀抱? did you have to run back to him?
      [00:24.11]我不会这么做 我不想再多解释了 You know, l didn’t go running back to anybody, and l’m not gonna expIain myseIf again.
      [00:27.41]你爱上他了吗? Are you in Iove with him?
      [00:32.68]我还在这不是吗? 我给了另一个机会不是吗? l’m here, aren’t l? l’m giving this another chance, aren’t l?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
