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时间:2015-06-25 12:57来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:22.48]那些都是酒会 好吗 That Was just the booze talkIn; all rIGht? [03:24.49]等下 我有电话进来 知道吗 我刚想打你电话 HoId on. l got another caII. You know what? lm just gonna caII you back. [03:27.62]我是墨菲
  •   [03:22.48]那些都是酒会 好吗 That Was just the booze talkIn; all rIGht?
      [03:24.49]等下 我有电话进来 知道吗 我刚想打你电话 HoId on. l got another caII. You know what? l’m just gonna caII you back.
      [03:27.62]我是墨菲 Murph here.
      [03:29.72]嘿 墨菲 我是凯特      你好 凯特 什么事  Hey, Murph, it’s Kate.         Hey, Kate. What’s up?
      [03:33.76]我只是想跟你道歉 Um, l just wanted to apoIogize...
      [03:37.17]那天我糟糕的行为 for my obnoxious4 behavior the other day.
      [03:40.23]哦 好啊 接受你的道歉 Oh, weII, apoIogy accepted.
      [03:42.64]你在干什么? 听起来有回音啊 What are you doing? You sound Iike you’re in an echo5 chamber6.
      [03:45.41]不不 我在办公室 No, no. l’m just at the offilce.
      [03:47.41]你在洗手间里和我电话 对吗? You’re talkInG to me WhIle you’re GoInG to the bathroom, aren’t you?
      [03:49.64]不 我在办公室呢  No, l’m at the offilce.
      [03:50.92]很好 洗完手后和我打电话 Nice. Wash your hands and caII me back.
      [03:53.18]你的电话 我必须接啊 是吧? Look, you caIIed me. l had to pick up, right?
      [04:15.04]你好 Hello?
      [04:17.51]我是墨菲 都洗干净了 Murph here. AII cIean.
      [04:21.51]我考虑过你说的话了... So, l’ve been thinking about what you said...
      [04:24.18]我觉得 我...恩 and l think that l’ve been, um
      [04:32.35]我相信你 所以 我冒昧的说 l want to beIieve you, so, uh, here’s what l propose.
      [04:37.13]今晚8点 共进晚餐  Let’s have dinner. Tonight, 8:00.
      [04:39.79]9点更合适 Uh, you know, 9:00 wouId be better.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
