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时间:2015-06-25 12:58来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:35.32]是啊 是啊 你真的很努力的工作 Oh, yeah, right. Youre workin reaI hard. [00:37.82]你什么意思? Whats that supposed to mean? [00:39.82]为什么我不能去你的公寓? Why cant l go back to your flat? Come on. [00:
  •   [00:35.32]是啊 是啊 你真的很努力的工作 Oh, yeah, right. You’re workin’ reaI hard.
      [00:37.82]你什么意思? What’s that supposed to mean?
      [00:39.82]为什么我不能去你的公寓? Why can’t l go back to your flat? Come on.
      [00:42.86]你为什么要去?      我们可以做爱  Why are you doing this?         We can make Iove. Come on!
      [00:44.86]你爱上他了吗? 你是不是对他有感觉了  Do you Iove him? Do you have feeIings for him?
      [00:47.76]你爱他吗? 你爱上他了吗?      我不知道  Do you Iove him? Do you Iove him?         l don’t know!
      [00:50.47]你不知道 现在你给我听好 You don’t? Now, Iisten. Listen!
      [00:52.69]我才是你的丈夫 明白吗? l’m your husband, aII right?
      [00:53.74]至少 你对他有感觉的话 At Ieast, if you have feeIings for him,
      [00:55.86]就会想方设法对我撒谎 have the decency1 to Iie to me.
      [00:57.74]那是人们为了要互相保护 他们撒谎 That’s what peopIe do to protect each other. They Iie, aII right?
      [01:01.04]那就是为什么以前你问我在哪 我总撒谎 That’s why l Iied every time you asked me where l was.
      [01:04.35]真相会让你崩溃 The truth wouId have crushed2 you.
      [01:07.88]帕蒂 Pat3.
      [01:09.88]帕蒂 回来 好啊 你走吧 Pat, come on. AII right,just waIk away then.
      [01:13.15]很好 你走你的吧 Fine.JustJust fuckin’ waIk away.
      [01:17.63]非常好 That’s Great.
      [01:19.86]想知道真相吗? You Want the truth?
      [01:21.86]帕蒂 我才是你的丈夫 Pat! l’m your husband.
      [01:30.57]嘿 我是墨菲      记得我们说好是8点的 Hey, it’s the Murph.         I thouGht We saId 8..00.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
