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时间:2015-06-25 12:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:27.57]所有的一切 你都那么的美好 Just everything. Youve got good styIe. [01:33.78]还记得我我们第一次见面吗 Remember when we filrst started seeing each other? [01:38.01]你到饭店里带了本书给我 是吗? AII
  •   [01:27.57]所有的一切 你都那么的美好 Just everything. You’ve got good styIe.
      [01:33.78]还记得我我们第一次见面吗 Remember when we filrst started seeing each other?
      [01:38.01]你到饭店里带了本书给我 是吗? AII right? You brought me a book To the restaurant, right?
      [01:42.95]海明威 是吗? Hemingway, was it?
      [01:45.55]我不能记全它的名称 但 它 l can’t remember the exact titIe, but it was
      [01:48.86]它很棒 非常棒 lt was lt was good. lt was reaI good.
      [01:51.03]那你为什么没有读完它 And so why Why did you stop reading them?
      [01:54.43]当你和我结婚时候 没有嫁给牛津大学的教授 When you marrIed me, you dIdn’t marry a professor at Oxford3.
      [01:57.60]我没有什么幻想 Okay? l made no fucking iIIusions...
      [02:02.34]就像我学院派的理论 as to my academic prowess.
      [02:07.08]我变了 Listen. l’ve changed.
      [02:09.11]我已经改变了 我想做的更好 可以吗 l’ve changed. l wanna be better. Okay?
      [02:11.51]我甚至雇佣了个新的经理 l even hired a new manager to come in,
      [02:14.36]所以我可以早点回家 so l get home earIier at night.
      [02:15.48]不是在2点 3点 4点 我一直在家 l’m not in 2:00, 3:00, 4:00. l’m home.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
