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时间:2015-06-25 12:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:34.32]我还是要和他谈谈 l have to taIk to him. [00:36.32]想想那个我遇见的伪君子吧 Think of what a hypocrite ld be if lve been, you know... [00:38.82]跟你说和墨菲坐下好好谈谈 teIIing you to sit down with Mu
  •   [00:34.32]我还是要和他谈谈 l have to taIk to him.
      [00:36.32]想想那个我遇见的伪君子吧 Think of what a hypocrite l’d be if l’ve been, you know...
      [00:38.82]跟你说和墨菲坐下好好谈谈 teIIing you to sit down with Murph for weeks...
      [00:40.86]而我却没有给过奇斯一个解释的机会 and l don’t even give Chazz the chance to taIk.
      [00:48.60]我们分居后你改变了多少? HoWmuch could you have chanGed sInce We separated?
      [00:51.73]很多 基本变了个人 A Iot. EntireIy different human being.
      [00:56.30]我建议从我们开始复合 l’ve considered starting therapy.
      [00:59.97]想彻底的改变 ReaIIy want to work from the inside out.
      [01:03.41]那很好 奇斯 That’s great, Chazz.
      [01:05.41]不 这 这很好 No, it rThat is great.
      [01:07.45]我 只是 有一件事总是 l just One thing that’s aIways
      [01:11.35]我想有一个原因总让我们之间有隔阂... l guess one reason why l’m hesitant about trying again...
      [01:13.69]就是我不知道我是怎么了 你是那么的吸引我 is that l have no idea what it is about me that fucking interests you.
      [01:18.06]你漂亮 你聪明 你性感 You’re beautifuI. You’re smart. You’re sexy.
      [01:20.93]你美妙 你幽默 You’re fantastic. You’re funny.
      [01:25.00]你有漂亮的头发 你 You’ve got great hair. You

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
