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时间:2015-06-25 12:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:43.06]混蛋 Dick. [04:45.13]奇斯? Chazz? [04:48.24]你在和谁说话 Who the fuck were you taIking to? [04:50.31]没有啊 我在喝你的果汁 Uh, no one. No one. l got your juice. [04:54.41]快回到床上去 Come back to bed. [0
  •   [04:43.06]混蛋 Dick.
      [04:45.13]奇斯? Chazz?
      [04:48.24]你在和谁说话 Who the fuck were you taIking to?
      [04:50.31]没有啊 我在喝你的果汁 Uh, no one. No one. l got your juice.
      [04:54.41]快回到床上去 Come back to bed.
      [04:56.91]来了 Right.
      [05:00.92]他说他想我 He says he misses me...
      [00:02.92]他觉得他错了 and he thinks he made a mistake.
      [00:04.99]这混蛋本来就错了 No shit, he made a mistake.
      [00:07.59]你最好别再打算和他见面 You better not be thinking of seeing him.
      [00:10.02]我们还是夫妻 我有权这么做 We’re stiII married. l owe it to him.
      [00:13.40]不 你们已经分居了 No, you’re not. You’re separated.
      [00:15.40]他还说你在床上很恶心 And he said you were Iousy in bed...
      [00:17.40]而布莱恩却公开他对你的爱 whereas1 Brian CaIIahan just professed2 his Iove for you.
      [00:20.30]这和布莱恩没关系 帕蒂 lt’s reaIIy a nobrainer, Patti.
      [00:22.30]好了 凯特 奇斯不是那样的人 看看这3个月 Oh, Kate, Chazz isn’t some guy l’ve been seeing for three months.
      [00:26.27]我和他结婚7年了 l’ve been married to him for seven years.
      [00:29.41]6年你是痛苦中度过的 Six of which you were miserabIe.
      [00:31.41]老天 你记得我第一眼见他的时候是多爱他吗 Oh, God. Do you remember how much l Ioved him when we filrst met?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
