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时间:2015-06-25 12:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:53.50]你是我最好的朋友 You were my best friend. [00:55.50]而且 我从来没有爱一个人像爱你那么彻底 And yes, l have never Ioved anyone as much as l Ioved you. [00:59.07]现在明白我为什么不会原谅你了吧
  •   [00:53.50]你是我最好的朋友 You were my best friend.
      [00:55.50]而且 我从来没有爱一个人像爱你那么彻底 And yes, l have never Ioved anyone as much as l Ioved you.
      [00:59.07]现在明白我为什么不会原谅你了吧? Now do you see why l can never forgive you?
      [01:02.78]但这不是你想象的那样好吗? But it wasn’t what you thought it was. AII right?
      [01:05.58]你现在能给我个机会解释吗? And then you never gave me the opportunity to expIain myseIf.
      [01:07.88]你喝醉了 你糊里糊涂 你和另一个女孩上床 You got drunk, you fucked up, you sIept with another girI...
      [01:10.39]我真不明白你还有什好解释的的必要... and l reaIIy don’t understand what you need to cIarify...
      [01:12.72]或者怎么样让我感觉舒服点 or how it wouId make me feeI any better.
      [01:14.72]我没和那女孩上床 l did not sIeep with that girI.
      [01:17.26]拜托 我不是个笨蛋      为什么你不信我  PIease! l’m not an idiot2.         Why won’t you beIieve me?
      [01:19.56]因为你是个说谎者      我不是  Because you’re a Iiar.         l am not a Iiar.
      [01:22.06]我承认 我骗过你那晚我在哪里 l mean, granted, you know, l did Iie to you about where l was that night...
      [01:25.83]但这不能断言我一直在撒谎 but that doesn’t, you know, categoricaIIy make me a Iiar.
      [01:28.57]"断言"太抬举你了 ’’CategoricaIIy.’’ That’s a very big word for you.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
