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时间:2015-06-25 12:50来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:23.81]我总能让你蠢蠢欲动 l aIways couId make you squirm. [00:26.64]是吗 我不知道你在说什么 Really, I have no Idea What youre talkInG about... [00:29.04]我们从前在一起的景象啊 because we were phenomenaI tog
  •   [00:23.81]我总能让你蠢蠢欲动 l aIways couId make you squirm.
      [00:26.64]是吗 我不知道你在说什么 Really, I have no Idea What you’re talkInG about...
      [00:29.04]我们从前在一起的景象啊 because we were phenomenaI together.
      [00:31.28]不要那么激动 我们没什么关系 Don’t get too excited. We were okay together.
      [00:33.35]瞎说 我们在一起曾经很快乐 BuIIshit. We were great together.
      [00:35.35]至今如此 让人销魂的融合 随时随地发生 StiII, to this day, best sex l ever had, hands down.
      [00:38.05]那是你酒后的幻觉 只在你的记忆中 That’s the drunken haze1 just cIouding your memory.
      [00:40.76]还记得我们在华盛顿停车场那个夜晚吗? Do you remember the night we had in Washington Square Park?
      [00:43.06]你还记得那时是多美妙吗 我都记忆犹新 Do you remember how great that was? l do.
      [00:45.06]那晚我没有喝醉 我就喝了一点啤酒  And l was not drunk that night. l mean, maybe a coupIe of beers, but that’s it.
      [00:48.60]我们曾在一起很开心 这就是你想听的? AII right, we were great together. ls that what you wanna hear?
      [00:51.07]这是我迄今最好的性生活 lt was the best sex l ever had.
      [00:52.98]你给了我最甜蜜的吻 You gave me the sweetest kisses.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
