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时间:2015-06-15 12:58来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:18.77]吃点东西吧 好 Lets eat. Hmm. [04:22.51]嘿 她在哪呢 你好 迈克 Hey, there she is. HeIIo, MichaeI. [04:25.81]你最近怎么样? 挺好 How you doin? Okay. [04:30.92]我想我们可以先过马路 So Iook. l thought ma
  •   [04:18.77]吃点东西吧      好 Let’s eat.         Hmm.
      [04:22.51]嘿 她在哪呢      你好 迈克  Hey, there she is.         HeIIo, MichaeI.
      [04:25.81]你最近怎么样?      挺好  How you doin’?         Okay.
      [04:30.92]我想我们可以先过马路 So Iook. l thought maybe we’d go down the street...
      [04:33.02]边吃边谈      好的  grab2 a bite to eat, taIk.         Okay.
      [04:37.93]顺便说句 你今天真漂亮 You Iook great, by the way.
      [04:42.13]你安定了2年      是的  So you’ve been sober3 two years?         Yep.
      [04:45.27]有什么事情发生吗 What was the big reveIation?
      [04:48.10]我在路边醒来 WeII, l uh l woke up on the sidewaIk...
      [04:50.74]早上六点在酒吧外 outside a bar at 6:00 in the morning.
      [04:53.34]人们都去上班了 我的手表不见了 PeopIe were going to work, my watch was missing4...
      [04:55.78]然后有张纸条出现在我的胸前 上面写着 and there was a note on my chest that said...
      [04:58.61]"对于你的手表很抱歉 但你根本不需要它" ’’Sorry about the watch, but cIearIy you don’t need it.’’
      [00:01.98]说的对 CIever.
      [00:04.02]你错过了吗?      是手表还是酒会?  Do you miss it?         The watch or the booze?
      [00:06.35]别再耍滑头了 我才是那个幽默的人 记得吗 Don’t try to be funny. l’m the funny one here, remember?
      [00:09.66]记得 我每天都回忆着 l do. l miss it every day.
      [00:12.46]你最思念的是什么      每样事  What do you miss most?         Everything
      [00:14.93]红葡萄酒 和意大利餐 You know, red wine with ltaIian food...
      [00:17.17]相遇时的冰啤酒 coId beers at Met games...
      [00:19.94]伏特加酒在瞬间中招了 vodka shots for moments Iike these.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
