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时间:2015-06-15 12:58来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:32.56]什么东西 就是个礼物 What is it? lts a gift. [03:35.76]快打开它吧 You Gotta open It, sIlly. [03:40.54]是把钥匙 lts a key. [03:46.58]是这个房子的 To the house. [03:49.95]任何你需要远离城市进行创作的
  •   [03:32.56]什么东西      就是个礼物  What is it?         lt’s a gift.
      [03:35.76]快打开它吧 You Gotta open It, sIlly.
      [03:40.54]是把钥匙 lt’s a key.
      [03:46.58]是这个房子的 To the house.
      [03:49.95]任何你需要远离城市进行创作的时候... Anytime you need to get away from the city to write...
      [03:52.45]你可以来这儿      布莱恩 你不需要这么做  you can come out here.         Brian, you didn’t have to.
      [03:55.62]没关系 别顾忌 Come on. Don’t worry about it.
      [03:58.65]嘿 如果它能让你重新拿起笔是多么好的事啊 Hey, if it heIps you get started on the noveI again, great.
      [04:01.46]或者你来只是让自己能思考些东西 Or If you just need to come here to thInk...
      [04:04.19]清醒你的头脑 读些书 clear your head, do a lIttle readInG
      [04:06.26]随便做什么 我希望你可以接受它 Whatever. l want you to have it.
      [04:08.40]太多了 It’s too much.
      [04:10.53]别这样 最重要的是 Come on. What Good Is all
      [04:12.73]你可以和你爱的人完成你的心愿 thIs If you can’t enjoy It WIth the people you love?
      [04:14.07]你明白我在说什么吧 Uh, Iike. You know what l mean.
      [04:16.27]谢谢你 Thank you.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
