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时间:2015-06-15 12:57来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:42.39]* 声声入耳 * The sound of sounds. [00:46.06]* 声声细语 * EnlIGhtenInG. [00:49.36]* 是你 * You. [00:52.67]* 是你 * You. [00:55.37]它告诉我 你是个谨慎的人... And It shoWs that youre a very cautIous1 person...
  •   [00:42.39]* 声声入耳 * ’ The sound of sounds.’
      [00:46.06]* 声声细语 * ’EnlIGhtenInG.’
      [00:49.36]* 是你 * ’ You.’
      [00:52.67]* 是你 * ’ You.’
      [00:55.37]它告诉我 你是个谨慎的人... And It shoWs that you’re a very cautIous1 person...
      [00:57.74]但不担心给第二个机会 but one not afraid of giving second chances.
      [01:01.48]有趣      这是你的心线  lnteresting.         Uhhuh. And then here is your heart Iine.
      [01:04.15]很平稳 这条线越是深越是粗... Okay, so generaIIy, the deeper and stronger the Iine...
      [01:07.68]投入的就越热烈越多 the Warmer and steadIer the devotIon.
      [01:10.05]那它够深吗?      是的 看起来不错  ls it deep?         Yeah. lt Iooks good.
      [01:12.29]除了这里有一个模糊的片段 就在那里 Except there is this shaIIow section right there.
      [01:14.29]肯定是伯纳黛特 Must be Bernadette.
      [01:16.66]* 声声细语 * ’EnlIGhtenInG.’.’
      [01:56.23]喔 真糟糕 Oh, shit.
      [02:55.66]早上好 Good mornInG.
      [02:59.66]海滩怎么样      很漂亮  How’s the beach?         BeautifuI.
      [03:02.36]是吗? Yeah?
      [03:10.84]恩 咖啡好了 Uh, coffee’s aIready out there.
      [03:13.34]很好 Great.
      [03:24.35]我还有个惊喜要给你 l got one more IittIe surprise.
      [03:27.79]不要被这个小盒子吓住 Don’t be aIarmed by the box.
      [03:30.56]小小的礼物 LittIe gift.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
