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时间:2015-06-15 12:57来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:06.16]就是这么写的啊 够了 Thats what it says. Thats enough. [04:08.16]* 声声入耳 那是你 那是你 * The sound of sounds.Thats you. Thats you. [04:10.17]* 启发 * EnlIGhtenInG. [04:21.28]* 私语 承诺 安慰 * . The Wh
  •   [04:06.16]就是这么写的啊      够了  That’s what it says.         That’s enough.
      [04:08.16]* 声声入耳 那是你 那是你 * ’ The sound of sounds.That’s you. That’s you.
      [04:10.17]* 启发 * ’EnlIGhtenInG.’
      [04:21.28]* 私语 承诺 安慰 * .’ The WhIsper, the promIse the solace5.’
      [04:24.11]* 是你给我带来的 * ’ Of Where you’re lead.’
      [04:27.62]* 声声 * ’ To.’
      [04:34.16]所以我最后写的东西... So I f’l’nally Wrote somethInG...
      [04:36.16]我很高兴你如果能在这个周末看看  and l wouId Iove if you wouId take a Iook at it this weekend.
      [04:39.90]’声声细语’      当然  .’EnlIGhtenInG.’         AbsoIuteIy.
      [04:41.90]你真好      ’是你 ’  Good for you.         .’ You.’
      [04:43.97]是啊      * 是你 *  AII right.         .’ You.’
      [04:50.47]* 声声入耳 * ’ The sound of sounds.’
      [04:54.34]* 声声细语 * ’EnlIGhtenInG.’
      [00:12.53]* 还记得你是谁吗 * ’Have you forGotten Who you are.’
      [00:15.16]好吧 在个完全没有联系的话题 Okay, on a completely unrelated topIc
      [00:17.50]再说一次你有多喜欢我的故事 TeII me again how much you Iike my story.
      [00:20.40]好啊 你现在真的是得寸进尺啊 Okay. You know what? Now you’re just being greedy.
      [00:23.34]我很妒忌它     好吧好吧  l’m jeaIous as it is.         Okay, okay.
      [00:25.31]天哪      谢谢你太感谢你了 Jesus.         Thank you. Nothing more.
      [00:27.28]认真点 告诉我 Okay, but seriousIy. TeII me
      [00:30.38]我想知道你以前喜欢它吗 你曾经喜欢吗? l wanna know you Iiked it. You Iiked it.
      [00:34.52]一直喜欢它吗? Do you Iike it?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
