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时间:2015-06-15 12:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:13.81]这就是你创作的地方 This is where you write? [03:16.75]好吧 Okay. [03:23.31]今天我找到一个老朋友 [03:35.00]你来帮我完成吧 lII Iet you filnish it. [03:38.57]过来一下 Come here for a second. [03:41.24]有
  •   [03:13.81]这就是你创作的地方 This is where you write?
      [03:16.75]好吧 Okay.
      [03:35.00]你来帮我完成吧 l’II Iet you filnish it.
      [03:38.57]过来一下 Come here for a second.
      [03:41.24]有没有读过你以前的作品?      没有啊  Have you read your revIeWs lately?         No, it’s okay.
      [03:43.74]它会对你有帮助... 帮你找回自信  No. lt heIps... with that Iack of confildence.
      [03:47.31]没关系啊 lt’s aII right.
      [03:47.86]"一个值得珍藏的故事 充满想象与震撼力 ’’A moving coIIection of stories, fuIIy imagined and heartfeIt.
      [03:51.25]"帕塔森小姐是欣欣的受欢迎的人 ’’Miss PetaIson is a new and weIcome voice.
      [03:54.52]嘘      "在春天  Shh.         ’’lnspiring.
      [03:56.52]"帕塔森用真诚捕获了大学生活 ’’PetaIson captures university Iife with honesty.
      [03:59.96]"她有着完美的洞察力      好了啊  ’’Her insight2 achieves perfection3.         Okay.
      [04:01.96]"她抓住了人性 可信的 ’’Her grasp of human nature, authentic4.
      [04:03.96]一个真正的纽约作家诞生了"      好了啦 A true New York writer is born.’’        Okay.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
