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时间:2015-06-25 12:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:31.24]为 为 为什么你要这样? WhWhWhy are you doing this? [01:33.04]凯特 我们曾有过那么多的快乐 Kate, we had something great together... [01:35.21]真见鬼 我总是很后悔 and l bIew it, and l aIways regretted it
  •   [01:31.24]为 为 为什么你要这样? WhWhWhy are you doing this?
      [01:33.04]凯特 我们曾有过那么多的快乐 Kate, we had something great together...
      [01:35.21]真见鬼 我总是很后悔 and l bIew it, and l aIways regretted it.
      [01:38.71]我坐在这里想和你道歉 l’m sitting here trying to apoIogize to you,
      [01:40.80]而你是在和我闹着玩吗 and you’re making jokes?
      [01:42.38]那个女人叫什么 What was the girI’s name?
      [01:45.29]你在耍我吗? 我他妈怎么记得那些 AAre you kidding me? l mean, how on earth wouId l possibIy remember that?
      [01:48.66]我记得 杰尼佛盖蒂斯 l remember. Jennifer Gatits.
      [01:52.06]那个小个子长岛大学的贱货 A IittIe Long lsIand bitch
      [01:53.67]为什么我们没有见过她?  Why don’t we see if she’s Iisted?
      [01:55.03]我假设她的一堆浓密的体毛以及口音... And l wouId assume from her big hair and accent...
      [01:57.93]她回来的话是在516地区号码的 that she’s back in the 51 6 area code.
      [02:01.84]嗨 我想查下杰尼佛盖蒂斯的号码 Yeah. Hi. l’d Iike the number for a Jennifer Gatits.
      [02:04.87]G-A-T-l-T-S GATlTS.
      [02:06.88]我不是很确定是不是在这个城市 谢谢 l’m not sure of the town. Thank you.
      [02:08.88]喔 是个好听的名字 Oh, and nice name, by the way ’’Gatits.’’
      [02:11.58]他们在帮我接 Oh. They’re connecting me.
      [02:13.65]这有必要吗? 你为什么要这么做  ls this necessary? l mean, why are you doing this?
      [02:15.84]这是你最后一次机会 This is your Iast chance.
      [02:16.75]你确定不要再改你的口供了吗? Are you sure you don’t want to change your story?
      [02:22.42]凯特 我说的都是事实 You know what, Kate? l’m teIIing the truth.
      [02:27.60]那最好 lt’s been a pIeasure.
      [02:44.61]要帮忙拎包吗? 或者      不 我自己可以  Need some heIp with your bags, or, uh         No, l’m filne. l got it.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
