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时间:2015-06-15 12:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:29.77]* 喔 喔 * Ooh, ooh. [01:32.27]* 有条回家的路 有条回家的路 * Theres a Way back home Theres a Way back home. [01:35.11]* 她说 喔喔 * 看看这儿 She saId, Ooh, ooh.. Wow. Look at this pIace. [01:39.08]这就是卖给
  •   [01:29.77]* 喔 喔 * ’ Ooh, ooh.’
      [01:32.27]* 有条回家的路 有条回家的路 * ’ There’s a Way back home There’s a Way back home.’
      [01:35.11]* 她说 喔喔 *      看看这儿 ’She saId, Ooh, ooh.’.’         Wow. Look at this pIace.
      [01:39.08]这就是卖给夫妇最好的房子了 被你买到了 So this is what a coupIe best seIIers wiII get you, huh?
      [01:41.85]看到了吧 我告诉过你该重新写作的 See? l toId you you shouId start writing again.
      [01:44.02]是啊 Yeah, weII
      [01:46.16]哦 我的天啊 Wow. Oh, my God.
      [01:48.26]你住这里多久啦      大概5年了  How Iong have you Iived here?         Uh, about filve years.
      [01:51.73]在我卖了《暗夜流觞》的电影版权后买的 l bought it right after l soId the movie rights to TonIGht’s the NIGht.
      [01:54.63]它是5部电影啊 What a filne, filne filIm that was.
      [01:57.33]她值得每一分 lt was worth every penny.
      [01:59.97]我的天啊 你是谁? Oh, my God. Who are you?
      [02:01.97]不是开玩笑吧 SeriousIy. Oh, my God.
      [02:04.74]这是游泳池吗? ls this a swimming pooI?
      [02:06.74]是啊 很奇妙吧? Yeah. It’s pretty rIdIculous, rIGht?
      [02:09.55]我其实不是很擅长游泳 l want you to know l’m not reaIIy, Iike, a reaIIy strong swimmer.
      [02:12.65]没关系 我们可以用游泳圈 That’s all rIGht. We are Well equIpped WIth flotatIon devIces.
      [02:21.49]恩 So

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
