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时间:2015-06-15 12:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:14.03]对 你可能会渡过个美好时光 Yes. And you might actuaIIy have a good time. [00:16.70]好啊 Oh, yeah. [00:18.97]乐开花 A thousand Iaughs. [00:23.37]好 好 好 我去 Fi Fine. Fine. lII go. [00:25.77]但你必须陪我一
  •   [00:14.03]对 你可能会渡过个美好时光 Yes. And you might actuaIIy have a good time.
      [00:16.70]好啊 Oh, yeah.
      [00:18.97]乐开花 A thousand Iaughs.
      [00:23.37]好 好 好 我去 Fi Fine. Fine. l’II go.
      [00:25.77]但你必须陪我一起 But onIy if you come with me. l don’t
      [00:27.78]我就是不想和他单独呆一块 l do not want to be aIone with him.
      [00:29.88]很遗憾 我不能 因为... See, l can’t, because...
      [00:31.61]我要和布莱恩一起去汉普顿 l’m going to the Hamptons with Brian.
      [00:33.72]很好 很好啊 Great. Great.
      [00:36.89]你快去享受一个浪漫的约会吧 You get to go have a romantic rendezvous1...
      [00:40.89]我就去和墨菲来个了断 and l get to deaI with the Murph.
      [00:49.37]* 知道一条更好的回家之路吗 * ’Do you knoW a better Way back home.’
      [00:51.40]* 有这么一条回家的路但它却很长很长 * ’ There’s a Way back home but It takes so lonG.’
      [00:54.60]* 她说 如果我知道一条更好的回家之路 * ’She saId, If I kneW a better Way back home.’
      [00:57.37]* 你会不会抛下我一个人 * ’ Would you take me alonG.’
      [01:12.42]* 如果我知道一条更好的回家之路 * ’If I kneW a better Way back home.’
      [01:14.79]* 然后我抛下你 我做错了吗 * ’And I took you alonG Would I stIll be WronG.’
      [01:17.59]* 她说 是的 我知道一条更好的回家之路 * ’She saId, Yes I knoW a better Way back home.’
      [01:20.43]* 但这条路却好长好长 * ’But It takes so lonG.’

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
