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时间:2015-06-15 12:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:38.87]真不明白 她怎么还不出现? UnbeIievabIe. How come she didnt show up? [02:40.88]我为了她而办了聚会 可她却不露面 l throw the party for her, and she doesnt even show up. [02:43.58]我说过 你要放长线 墨菲
  •   [02:38.87]真不明白 她怎么还不出现? UnbeIievabIe. How come she didn’t show up?
      [02:40.88]我为了她而办了聚会 可她却不露面 l throw the party for her, and she doesn’t even show up.
      [02:43.58]我说过 你要放长线 墨菲 l toId you it was a Iong shot, Murph.
      [02:45.68]所以我邀请了所有的大学同学 And I InvIted all ofher frIends from colleGe.
      [02:47.88]是啊      她真是不可思议  Yeah.         She’s unbeIievabIe.
      [02:52.39]谢谢 Thanks.
      [03:00.10]所以这些对你们两来说很有趣 So thIs has Gotta be, uh, InterestInG for you tWo, huh?
      [03:03.80]都是最近单身 又相互吸引 Both recentIy singIe, cIearIy interested in one another.
      [03:07.27]你们今晚有些什么计划? How you guys gonna pIay this tonight?
      [03:09.57]你是说你 也是单身吗?      是的  What do you mean, you’re singIe?         Uh, yes.
      [03:12.31]我 我是刚刚分手 l’m l am newIy detached.
      [03:14.58]是啊 是啊 他终于想通了 冲出了牢笼 Yeah. He, uh He filnaIIy dumped the, uh, crackhead.
      [03:18.21]为了你 放飞自我了 Freed himseIf up for you, uh
      [03:20.22]所以我想可能今晚你们 So l’m thinking maybe tonight you gotta
      [03:22.22]你在说什么      可以凑成对  What are you doing?         oughta put it together.
      [03:24.22]我是在帮你啦      晚安 墨菲  l’m tryin’ to heIp you out.         Good night, Murph.
      [03:28.76]祝你好运      谢谢 谢谢你了  CongratuIations.         Thanks. Thank you.
      [03:31.43]谢谢      再见  Thank you.         Byebye.
      [03:35.77]再见了      晚安  See you soon.         Good night.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
