[03:43.94]你真是个笨蛋 You’re a compIete fuckin’ idiot, you know that?
[03:46.01]我想方设法的帮你 l’m trying to heIp you out here.
[03:48.01]为什么不和她一起回家? 让我安静会 How did you not go home with her? Gimme a break.
[03:50.31]给我点时间 拜托 我是那么努力帮你 Gimme time. Come on. l’m trying to heIp you out here.
[03:52.62]我不需要帮助 真可悲 别装了你 I don’t need help. That Was pathetIc, that performance.
[03:57.52]真是糟糕 你会吓到孩子们的 Okay, thIs
[04:00.19]是吗 好吧 是我昏了头 Yeah, weII, Iook. l’m upset.
[04:02.19]我邀请你去参加我的聚会可你没有露面 l invite you to my party, and you don’t show up.
[04:04.49]你不想和我说话可以 但我也邀请了帕蒂 lt’s filne if you don’t want to taIk to me, but l invited Patti...
[04:07.40]你所有的大学朋友 aII your friends from coIIege
[04:08.55]你还对我有什么企图? What do you want from me?
[04:10.80]昨天晚上我翻了些箱子 WeII, Iook, Iast night l went through some boxes...
[04:12.97]我找出了你以前写的这首诗 and l dug out this poem that you wrote.
[04:15.97]只是希望你可能会想读读它 And l just thought maybe you’d want to read it.
[04:18.07]想让你想起 我们的从前 Remind you, you know, how you feIt about us.
[04:20.31]曾经对我的感觉 How you feIt about me.
[04:22.31]我不需要回忆 l don’t need reminding.