[01:51.03]我们聊的很愉快 Oh, we’re having the best time.
[01:53.73]一 我看了你的书 很棒 One I read your book. It Was terrIf’l’c.
[01:56.27]你没必要跟我说谎 You don’t have to Iie to me.
[01:58.05]我今晚听到很多人说它是垃圾 l’ve heard so much... buIIshit tonight.
[02:00.67]不我没有 No, l’m l’m not.
[02:04.01]它真的很好 真的吗 lt’s great. ReaIIy?
[02:06.08]是的 当然 Yeah. Of course it is.
[02:09.51]谢谢你 Wow. Thank you.
[02:12.35]我有个故事要说 一个田野 I’ve Got a story for youA f’l’eld.
[02:14.58]很棒的聚会 墨菲 Great party, Murph.
[02:16.59]田野 灌木 树木 A fileId, bushes, trees.
[02:20.52]草 Grass.
[02:22.53]很好 那是故事 是大自然 Great, but what’s the story? lt’s nature.
[02:24.83]我在诉说着大自然的美丽 l’m taIking nature. Beauty.
[02:27.43]真糟糕 我已经无聊透顶了 That’s terrifilc. l’m bored aIready.
[02:29.43]我一会来见你 是个牧场 l’II see you around. lt’s a fileId.
[02:31.43]它需要工作 它是生活 IIt needs some Work. lt’s... Iife.
[02:34.24]真是写什么怪人啊 我的老天 What a cast of characters. My God.
[02:36.61]值得吗? So, was it worth it?