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时间:2015-05-25 22:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:38.47]对 那本我没读 Yeah, l didnt read that one. [01:40.30]嘿 那今天真是你的幸运日 WeII, hey, todays your Iucky day. [01:41.31]也许今天你可以 带一本回去 Maybe you can, uh, pick up a copy today. [01:43.61]也许
  •   [01:38.47]对 那本我没读  Yeah, l didn’t read that one.
      [01:40.30]嘿 那今天真是你的幸运日 WeII, hey, today’s your Iucky day.
      [01:41.31]也许今天你可以 带一本回去 Maybe you can, uh, pick up a copy today.
      [01:43.61]也许能给你些启发 Maybe it’II inspire you.
      [01:45.28]好看吗? 我听说它有点不同…比较…柔情 ls it any good? l heard it was kinda different A IittIe... soft.
      [01:50.65]它很好看的 我很以它为荣 lt’s very good. l’m very proud of it.
      [01:53.95]它是我的最爱      讲什么的?  lt’s my favorite.         What’s it about?
      [01:56.02]是讲一个男人为脱离平庸而做的抗争 lt’s about a man and his personaI struggIe to rise up from mediocrity.
      [01:59.89]哦 好吧 Oh. Okay.
      [02:02.30]呃 你能不能先把这些签了呢? Um, wiII you just sign these, though, filrst?
      [02:04.47]好的 知道吗? 女士们先生们 Okay. You know what? Ladies and gentIemen,
      [02:06.86]我想发表一点声明 l’d Iike to make a IittIe announcement.
      [02:08.40]很感谢你们的到来 Thank you so much for coming.
      [02:10.40]很高兴可以看到这么多法兰克·奈特的书迷们 lt’s great to see so many famiIiar fans of aII the Frank Knight stories.
      [02:14.71]我也一样喜欢法兰克和他的冒险经历 And as much as l’ve Ioved Frank and his escapades...
      [02:17.58]呃 我已经从他的世界里…走出来了 uh, l have moved on... from them and his worId.
      [02:21.85]所以今天 我只会给《绝世好医》签售 So today, l wiII onIy be signing copies of The Good Doctor.
      [02:25.59]但好消息是 它正打折… But the good news is,it’s on saIe
      [02:28.86]就这儿 就在这家书店里 here, rIGht at thIs very store.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
