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时间:2015-05-25 22:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:48.92]就看完了 since seventh grade. [00:50.96]那有打算看这本新书吗? 不知道呀 PIanning on reading the new one? l dont know. [00:53.56]不知道 看上去挺严肃的 对不? l dont know. Looks kinda serious, right? [00:
  •   [00:48.92]就看完了 since seventh grade.
      [00:50.96]那有打算看这本新书吗?      不知道呀  PIanning on reading the new one?         l don’t know.
      [00:53.56]不知道 看上去挺严肃的 对不? l don’t know. Looks kinda serious, right?
      [00:54.92]医生什么的 是挺好 可… Doctors, and... they’re good, and
      [00:58.43]我不知道      严肃可不是坏事  l don’t know.         Serious isn’t bad.
      [01:00.97]是吗?      你该看看 像你这样的年轻人  Yeah?         You shouId try it. Young man Iike yourseIf
      [01:03.94]也许能从中学到点东西      对 对 也许会的  You might Iearn something.         Yeah. Yeah, maybe I WIll.
      [01:06.44]很好      好的 好 你会签这个吗?  Great.         Yeah. CooI. WiII you sign that?
      [01:08.44]你还是会签这个的 对吗? You’re gonna sign that one though, too, right? Yeah?
      [01:10.98]会 Yeah.
      [01:14.45]还有这个电影海报呢? And the movie poster?
      [01:16.92]当然 Sure.
      [01:19.15]顺便一提 很喜欢你的角色      噢 是吗?  Loved your cameo, by the way.         Oh, yeah?
      [01:22.62]"奈特 你真烦人" 那人是你 对不?  ’’Knight2, you’re a menace.’’ That was you, right?
      [01:25.55]嘿 你记得这台词啊 Hey, you remember that Iine.
      [01:30.66]希望你别介意 我是你的超级粉丝 你的书全有 Hope you don’t mind. Uh, l’m a big fan. Got ’em aII.
      [01:33.67]哇噢噢 哦哦 Whoahoho. Uhoh.
      [01:36.17]怎么不见《绝世好医》 l don’t see The Good Doctor in there.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
