[04:42.96]我喜欢这本书 l Ioved the book.
[04:46.09]我真的觉得不错 呃… l reaIIy thought it was great. Um
[04:48.96]但是 呃 如果你愿意 But, uh, if you want to,
[04:51.11]我们可以再等半小时等多点人来 we couId wait a haIf an hour just to Iet the crowd filII in.
[04:53.07]我们还是开始吧 好吗? 好的 You know, Iet’s just get started, okay? Okay.
[04:57.87]女士们先生们 请允许我为大家介绍 Ladies and gentIemen, l present to you the author...
[00:01.21]《绝世好医》的作者 布莱恩·凯勒翰 Brian CaIIahan, of The Good Doctor.
[00:07.05]嗨 布莱恩 嗨 安妮塔 Hi, Brian. Hi, Annette.
[00:09.72]我有新的最爱了《漫长的冷夜》 l have a new favorite: LonG Cool NIGht.
[00:13.95]我已经读了5遍了 真的啊? l’ve read it filve times. ls that right?
[00:17.39]嗯 事实上 今天我只为新书签名 Um, actuaIIy, today l’m onIy signing the new book.
[00:22.06]我不会签任何旧作的 l’m not gonna sign any of the oId ones.
[00:24.27]我知道 可是这是…这本是我的最爱 l know, but it’s just This one is my favorite.
[00:30.20]她是我吗? 不 依然不是你 ls she me? No. lt’s stiII not you.
[00:33.87]就这样 Yeah.
[00:36.28]很高兴见到你 lt’s good to see you.
[00:43.92]看见你的影响力了吧 See what you spawned1, man?
[00:46.25]要我说你最棒的是处女作 我7年级的时候 First and best, in my humbIe opinion, and l’ve read ’em aII, man...