[04:03.32]但后来她居然说我的作品是烂书 but then she caIIs my book a piece of shit.
[04:05.82]而那…我不知道 对我来说 And that l don’t know, for me,
[04:06.92]这是…这是不可原谅的 that’s that’s unforgivabIe.
[04:08.26]听着 你瞎操心什么呢? 她就是低能呀 Look, what are you worried about? She’s an imbeciIe.
[04:10.59]你倒突然间在意起她的意见来了 AII of a sudden you’re gonna pay attention to her opinion?
[04:12.73]可大家都这么想 lt’s everybody’s opinion.
[04:14.66]听着 你只是得到了一点负面的评价而已 Look, you got a handfuI of bad reviews, that’s it.
[04:18.43]你有看到哪个评论家喜欢它的吗? Did you filnd one critic that Iiked it?
[04:20.86]呃 没有 Uh, no.
[04:22.70]知道吗? 你明天还是要去你的签书会 行吗? You know what? You’re gonna go to your book signing tomorrow, aII right?
[04:25.47]而你会看到真正喜欢你的粉丝 And you’re gonna see your fans, the peopIe that matter.
[04:27.42]他们一定会喜欢这本书的 They’re gonna Iove this book.
[04:29.54]你这么想? 对啊 当然 You reaIIy think so? l do. AbsoIuteIy.
[04:32.08]我 呃 很抱歉 先生 l’m, uh, very sorry, sir.
[04:34.23]我们真的很希望能来多点人 We were reaIIy expecting a bigger turnout.
[04:35.88]不会吧 Are you serious?
[04:37.89]是啊 这可能跟那篇评论有点关系 Yeah, l think it had a IittIe something to do with that review.