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时间:2015-05-25 22:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:01.53]不是你想的那样 亲爱的 这只是900专线 lts not what you think. DarIing, it was a lts a 900 number. [02:05.43]噢 这样我好受多了 别 别这样 帕蒂 Oh, l feeI so much better. PIease. PIease, Patti. [03:34.29]你难
  •   [02:01.53]不是你想的那样 亲爱的 这只是…900专线 lt’s not what you think. DarIing, it was a lt’s a 900 number.
      [02:05.43]噢 这样我好受多了      别 别这样 帕蒂  Oh, l feeI so much better.         PIease. PIease, Patti.
      [03:34.29]你难道从来不认真听我说话的吗? Don’t you Iisten to a goddamn word l say?
      [03:37.49]还是你的脑子里全装了 Are you too consumed with your stupid
      [03:38.80]那些傻了吧唧的虚构角色? filctionaI characters in your head?
      [03:40.80]所以就跟现实世界脱轨了 Can’t concentrate on the reaI worId.
      [03:42.80]总是这样 整天就活在布莱恩式世界里 AIways, you know, stuck in Brian’s makebeIieve worId?
      [03:45.57]如果你吼完了 我要上楼去工作了 lf you’re done screaming, l’m gonna go back upstairs and go to work.
      [03:49.00]好 去吧 去工作吧 再写一本那样的烂书 Yeah. Go. Get back to work. Go write another piece of shIt Iike the Iast one!
      [03:53.74]懂了吗? You know what?
      [03:56.64]不 你不懂 这次太扯了 No,you don’t understand. ThIs Was leGendary2.
      [03:59.15]我是说 l mean, you know, by this point,
      [04:00.61]我好不容易能忍住面对那些侮辱和吼叫… l’m used to the usuaI barrage3 of insuIts and screaming...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
