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时间:2015-05-25 22:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:06.23]我过去是要给那些人留下个好印象 l have to go out there and impress these peopIe. [03:08.83]承受着很大的压力 但是算了 And theres an enormous amount of pressure on me. But no. [03:11.80]你根本不在意 连
  •   [03:06.23]我过去是要给那些人留下个好印象 l have to go out there and impress these peopIe.
      [03:08.83]承受着很大的压力 但是算了  And there’s an enormous amount of pressure on me. But no.
      [03:11.80]你根本不在意 连句"祝你好运 伯尼"都没有 You don’t care. There’s no ’’Good Iuck, Bernie.’’
      [03:13.80]给你 谢谢      "让他们惊艳吧 宝贝"也没有  Here you go. Thank you.         ’’Knock ’em dead, baby.’’ Nothing Iike that.
      [03:16.27]也没说会给我们找个落脚地 To say nothing of filnding us a pIace to Iive...
      [03:18.34]顺道一说 本来如果你跟我一起  which, by the way, wouId have been nice
      [03:20.64]过去然后帮我找个可以一起住的地方 for you to come with me and heIp me filnd a pIace
      [03:23.73]是很美好的事情 但是没有 so we couId be there together.But no.
      [03:24.86]你为什么现在就开始找房子了? Why are you Iooking for a pIace aIready?
      [03:26.55]你这样…是不是有点早了?  You’re just lsn’t that a IittIe earIy?
      [03:28.23]我两个月前就在找了! l start in two months!
      [03:31.59]上帝啊! 真他妈不敢相信 God!Can’t fuckin’ beIieve it.[01:44.81]别停呀 我… Don’t fucking stop. l
      [01:47.05]噢 别停 噢耶 别停 Oh. Don’t stop. Oh, yeah. Don’t stop.
      [01:52.22]别停 Don’t stop it.
      [01:54.36]别停 操… Don’t stop it. Fucking
      [01:56.36]你真他妈的让人恶心 你知道吗? You’re fucking disgusting, you know that?
      [01:59.09]噢 帕蒂 别 帕蒂… Oh, Pat, pIease. Patti

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
