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时间:2015-05-25 22:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:11.27]帕蒂 别这样 你可以对我吼 Pat, come on. Look,you can scream all you Want... [02:13.71]但这不能全怪我 好吗? but lm not entireIy to bIame, aII right? [02:15.78]你说什么? Excuse me? [02:17.78]别这样 你也一定
  •   [02:11.27]帕蒂 别这样 你可以对我吼 Pat, come on. Look,you can scream all you Want...
      [02:13.71]但这不能全怪我 好吗? but l’m not entireIy to bIame, aII right?
      [02:15.78]你说什么? Excuse me?
      [02:17.78]别这样 你也一定感觉到征兆的 Come on, you must have seen the signs.
      [02:19.98]你在客厅里手淫 You were jerking off in our Iiving room.
      [02:22.22]我不知道什么样的征兆会让这种事发生 l don’t know what signs to Iook for for that.
      [02:25.99]我们最后一次做爱是什么时候? When was the Iast time we made Iove?
      [02:30.02]星期天 你个混蛋      来吧 帕蒂 求你了  Sunday, you asshoIe.         Come on, Patti. PIease.
      [02:35.80]求你了? Please?
      [02:44.37]你怎么能忘了我今天要去西雅图呢? How couId you forget that l’m Ieaving for SeattIe today?
      [02:47.44]我睡过头了 整晚都在写作 l just Iost track of time. l’ve been writing aII night.
      [02:49.71]我突然有了灵感 一下子收不住 l just got into a zone. l couIdn’t stop.
      [02:51.91]回答我的问题      什么?  Answer the question.         What?
      [02:53.92]你是不是忘了我今天要走? Did you forget l was Ieaving today?
      [02:57.08]是忘了 我也道过歉了 l did, then l apoIogized.
      [02:59.42]何况你也只是过去几天 对吗? But it’s onIy for a coupIe of days, right?
      [03:01.12]这次不是只过去打个照面而已吗?   lsn’t it just a IittIe meet and greet?
      [03:02.98]事实上 不是 Um, no, actuaIIy.
      [03:05.03]比这复杂多了 lt’s a IittIe more than that.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
