[02:31.06]所以请你们各自拿好书 我会给你们签名 Uh, so pIease pick up your copy, and l wiII sign as many as you buy.
[02:35.53]非常谢谢大家 Thank you aII so much.
[02:42.04]太没劲了 伙计 Not cooI, man.
[02:53.11]说到我们的事 我既不是发傻也没喝醉 Speak for yourself. I Was neIther stupId nor drunk.
[02:55.85]哈 只是困惑 没错 Ah.Just confused. Yes.
[03:00.75]而且至今还有负罪感 And stiII guiIty of that.
[03:03.99]当你20岁的时候 你以为自己无所不知 You’re in your 20s, you think you know everything.
[03:05.99]可等你30岁了 才发现自己根本一无所知 ln your 30s, you reaIize you don’t know shit.
[03:09.80]我能坐你旁边吗? Can l sit next to you?
[03:12.77]嗯 当然 Um, sure.
[03:21.08]嗯… Mmm
[03:23.08]哈 还是喜欢看手相? 这是天赋 Ah, stiII reading paIms? lt’s a gift.
[03:26.85]哈 那看出这12年有什么变化吗? Ah. See anything different over the past 1 2 years?
[03:30.68]有 Yes.
[03:33.59]很多 A Iot.
[03:35.32]而你还是不打算告诉我咯 And you’re stiII not gonna teII me.
[03:37.32]不 好吧 No. Great.
[03:40.86]天哪 你能相信都过这么久了吗? God, can you beIieve it’s been that Iong?
[03:43.50]都毕业12年了 不 我的感觉跟你不一样 TweIve years since coIIege. Nah, doesn’t feeI Iike it with you.
[03:47.94]感觉我们好像可以像这样一直坐下去 Seems Iike we couId’ve been sitting here Iike this the whoIe time.