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时间:2015-05-25 22:07来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:58.21]就是说 我能给你传授点诀窍吗? ln other words, can l impart some wisdom on you here? [04:02.18]不 没事的 我知道该做什么 不不 我 No, no. lts okay. l know what to do. No, no. No, l [04:05.35]我得跟你说说
  •   [03:58.21]就是说 我能给你传授点诀窍吗? ln other words, can l impart some wisdom on you here?
      [04:02.18]不 没事的 我知道该做什么      不不 我…   No, no. lt’s okay. l know what to do.         No, no. No, l
      [04:05.35]我得跟你说说 我们这里有个大苹果 l wanna do this. You see, what we have here is the Big AppIe.
      [04:11.23]当然 要明白 我这只是个隐喻 Now, understand, l’m speaking in metaphors8.
      [04:13.23]你知道什么是隐喻吧 美女? AreYou do know what a metaphor7 is, don’t you, cupcake?
      [04:15.63]当然 这小苹果代表了一个大苹果(纽约别称) Yeah. That lIttle apple represents the BIG Apple.
      [04:19.37]对 没错 如果你可以闭上那个洞一会… Yeah, that’s right. lf you wouId just keep your cake hoIe shut for one second...
      [04:23.67]你也许就能从这儿学到点东西了 you might Iearn a IittIe somethin’ here.
      [04:25.71]你瞧 人们都想住进这个大苹果里 You see, peopIe wanna Iive in the Big AppIe.
      [04:28.88]他们想买大苹果里的房产 They wanna buy reaI estate in the Big AppIe.
      [04:32.18]而这就是我们在吉尔默尔里做的事 卖房产 And that’s what we do here at GiImore. We seII reaI estate.
      [04:36.12]换句话说 人们… ln other words, peopIe
      [04:38.89]他们都想分大苹果的一杯羹 They wanna take a bite outta the Big AppIe.
      [04:42.96]而我们做什么呢 我们就卖这些羹 And What We do We sell those bItes.
      [04:46.33]我们就是做这个的 懂了吗? That’s what we do here. Ha capIto?
      [04:49.30]现在 我希望你做的 Now, what l want you to do

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
