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时间:2015-05-25 22:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:27.70]相反 他们会发现凯勒翰先生 lnstead, they wiII filnd Mr. CaIIahan... [01:30.47]正妄图尝试他之前不曾尝试过的 attempting something he hasnt tried before [01:33.24]现实文学 并大败而回 serious Iiteratu
  •   [01:27.70]"相反 他们会发现凯勒翰先生… ’’lnstead, they wiII filnd Mr. CaIIahan...
      [01:30.47]正妄图尝试他之前不曾尝试过的… ’’attempting something he hasn’t tried before
      [01:33.24]现实文学 并大败而回" serious Iiterature and faiIing.’’
      [01:36.41]他们只是看不懂 WeII, they just don’t get it.
      [01:37.67]很明显 他们…他们只是看不懂 CIearIy, theyThey do not get it.
      [01:39.58]"不再有跌宕起伏的情节 ’’Gone are the pageturning pIots
      [01:41.67]和多姿多彩的纽约街道… and coIorfuI street taIk of New York’s filnest...
      [01:43.78]取而代之的是一个愚蠢和自私的光棍 ’’and instead we meet the cIueIess and seIfilsh misogynist4,
      [01:46.92]艾伦路韦恩医生…  Dr. Aaron Luvin
      [01:50.59]一个对作者自身女人杀手的形象的颠覆影射" a thinIy disguised version of the author’s own IadykiIIer reputation’’?
      [01:55.96]开玩笑吗? 他们居然把我的私生活放到… Are you kidding me? They gotta bring up my personaI Iife in a
      [01:59.16]这种严肃的评论文章里面? in a serious critique such as this?
      [02:01.93]你说过这本书写的不是你 You said the book wasn’t about you.
      [02:04.43]没错啊 那不是我 那是…那是虚构的 WeII, it’s not about me. lt’s lt’s filction.
      [02:07.24]你个混球! 天哪! You’re an asshoIe! God!
      [02:14.81]至少你知道了她会读文章 对不? Look, at Ieast you found out she can read, right?
      [02:18.05]我得承认 我…我以为我对评论是有抗体的 l gotta admit, man. l l thought l was immune to reviews.
      [02:20.78]但这个…这个…这个真的感觉很不好 But this this This does not feeI good.
      [02:22.99]听着 伙计 这当然会不好受 Look, man, of course it’s gonna hurt.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
