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时间:2015-05-25 22:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:52.49]你都还没读过呢 You didnt even read it. [00:53.92]也许你可以把它当成写得好的证明 Maybe you couId take that as a testament1 to how good it is. [00:56.87]你知道我没什么艺术细胞 You know l have Iowbrow
  •   [00:52.49]你都还没读过呢  You didn’t even read it.
      [00:53.92]也许你可以把它当成写得好的证明 Maybe you couId take that as a testament1 to how good it is.
      [00:56.87]你知道我没什么艺术细胞  You know l have Iowbrow taste.
      [00:58.23]我是那种看《美国丽人》都会睡着的人 l’m the guy who feII asIeep during AmerIcan Beauty.
      [01:00.47]知道吗? 错过了塑料袋飘浮的那段 AII right? Missed the whoIe floating pIastic bag thing.
      [01:03.64]帮忙读出来吧 伯尼      "庸医"  Read it pIease, Bernie.         ’’Doctor FeeIbad.’’
      [01:06.51]噢 操 这就是他们用来嘲弄我的标题? Oh, fuck. That’s their witty2 pIay on my titIe?
      [01:09.65]这就是那些聪明的脑袋瓜能想出来的? That’sThat’s what the briIIiant minds over there couId come up with?
      [01:13.75]"对于熟知布莱恩·凯勒翰小说… ’’To readers accustomed to cracking the pages of a Brian CaIIahan noveI...
      [01:17.72]并想要寻找那个硬汉形象的 ’’and filnding the hardboiIed,
      [01:19.30]纽约警局探长法兰克·奈特… toughtaIking N.Y.P.D. detective Frank Knight3...
      [01:21.59]解决又一可怕犯罪的读者们来说是要失望了" soIving another gruesome crime, they are to be disappointed.’’
      [01:25.49]怎么突然他们倒喜欢起法兰克奈特的书了 And aII of a sudden they Iike the Frank Knight books.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
