[00:01.88]你确定你想听这个? You sure you want to hear this?
[00:04.08]为什么会写成这样? 我读过了 Why does it have to be them? l read that paper.
[00:07.28]大家都会读到的 为什么它就不能低调点呢? Everyone reads that paper. Why can’t it be the VIllaGe VoIce?
[00:10.65]嗯 这些混蛋也不怎么喜欢 Well, these fuckers don’t lIke It much eIther.
[00:14.02]你有没有想过所有我们认识的人 Do you reaIize that everyone we know
[00:15.80]都正这样坐着 就像这样… is sitting around right now,just Iike this
[00:17.79]吃着早餐 喝着咖啡 吃着百吉圈 Having breakfast, drinkin’ coffee, eating bageIs,
[00:20.11]读着这篇见鬼的评论? reading this goddamn review?
[00:21.60]那你为什么突然在意起这些了呢? Then why do you give a shit aII of a sudden?
[00:23.67]你什么时候在意过评论了? Since when did you care about reviews?
[00:25.30]因为我之前从没尝试过现实主义小说 Because l’ve never tried to write a reaI noveI before.
[00:27.36]你明白吗? Do you understand that?
[00:28.64]这不一样 这…这就像我的小孩 This is different. This This is my baby.
[00:31.27]它是 文学 This is, you know, Iiterature.
[00:35.48]它可能成为美国下一部经典小说 This couId be the next great American noveI.
[00:38.38]它可能让我跻身于美乐 罗斯 比露这样的公司 This couId put me in the company of MaiIers and Roths and BeIIows.
[00:41.95]更何况 拜托 以前的只是些鸡毛蒜皮 The other stuff Come on. lt’s just fluff.
[00:44.19]只是些侦探小说 而这个应该会很好的 lt’s just detective noveIs. This is supposed to be more.
[00:48.49]听着 是很好呀 只要别去管评论家的话 Look, and it Is more, man, regardIess of what the critics say.