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时间:2015-05-11 21:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:16.60]等多久? 永远吗? [04:16.76]For how long? Forever? [04:22.40]我不知道他们会对我们这样 对不起 [04:22.60]I didnt know they were going to treat us like that, Im sorry. [04:26.64]我不知道该说什么 [04:26.80]I
  •   [04:16.60]等多久?  永远吗?
      [04:16.76]For how long? Forever?
      [04:22.40]我不知道他们会对我们这样  对不起
      [04:22.60]I didn’t know they were going to treat us like that, I’m sorry.
      [04:26.80]I don’t know what to say.
      [04:27.16]He’s Belansai’s son now.
      [04:30.60]他知道我怀孕  还是娶了我
      [04:30.76]He marry me even though he knew I was pregnant.
      [04:44.28]"Deep, deep beneath the sea...
      [04:47.44]where the water is clear as the purest glass,
      [04:49.64]there lies the palace of the Sea King.
      [04:52.40]And there, behind the walls of coral,
      [04:57.72]and beneath its roof of cockleshells
      [04:59.28]lived the little mermaid."

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
