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时间:2015-05-11 20:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:25.44]I think next I have to wrestle2 a crocodile. 我想下次我必须跟鳄鱼摔跤了 [03:32.00]Sleeping dictionary shaping up all right? 睡觉的字典发展的还算顺利? [03:35.40]Us women dont know anything about all of that
  •   [03:25.44]I think next I have to wrestle2 a crocodile. 我想下次我必须跟鳄鱼摔跤了
      [03:32.00]Sleeping dictionary shaping up all right? 睡觉的字典发展的还算顺利?
      [03:35.40]Us women don’t know anything about all of that. 我们女人不懂那些的
      [03:35.56]Truscott! 托斯卡
      [03:38.64]- Truscott! - And for heaven’s sake, -托斯卡 -但在老天的面上
      [03:41.64]there’s something wrong with you down below. 你下面那玩意有问题
      [03:41.76]bed her or the Iban’ll think 跟她睡觉吧 要不依班人会认为
      [03:43.80]Excuse me. 对不起
      [03:45.52]Re-group! 重新集合
      [03:53.44]Sorry? 对不起?
      [03:56.96]You’re not picking up the language very fast, are you? 你学习的不是很快,是吧?
      [03:59.96]And where are those Chinese heads?! 那些中国人头在哪里?
      [04:06.88]You are in the bathroom. 你在卧室里
      [04:14.32]I am in...? 我在…?
      [04:21.92]the bedroom. 卧室里
      [04:38.24]What do I do? 我在干什么?
      [04:40.20]I... 我…
      [04:43.36]I say good night to my father. 我对我父亲说晚安
      [04:55.72]Where do you go? 你去哪?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
