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时间:2015-05-06 21:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:12.90]What is going on? Who the hell5...? 怎么回事? 见鬼那是谁--? [03:17.74]No, Anna. Just... 别, 安娜. 只是-- [03:18.06]No! 不! [03:24.78]You see a Victory Column somewhere around here? 你在附近看到记功柱了吗?
  •   [03:12.90]What is going on? Who the hell5...? 怎么回事? 见鬼那是谁--?
      [03:17.74]No, Anna. Just... 别, 安娜. 只是--
      [03:18.06]No! 不!
      [03:24.78]You see a Victory Column somewhere around here? 你在附近看到记功柱了吗?
      [03:58.26]Anna! 安娜!
      [04:00.94]- Let me explain. - Get away from me. -听我解释. -离我远些.
      [04:05.14]- I’m Secret Service. - That is such bullshit. -我从事保密工作. -那是狗屎.
      [04:06.62]I was outside the consulate6 when you ran. 当你跑出来时,我正好在领事馆前.
      [04:07.98]I was in contact with Weiss and Morales the whole time. 我一直和维斯和莫瑞丝有联系
      [04:15.18]- Oh, my God. - Your father gave you controlled freedom. -哦, 上帝. -你的父亲给与你受约束的自由.
      [04:20.54]So I was his safety net. 我是他的安全网的部分.
      [04:26.06]And yours. 也是你的.
      [04:30.74]- You lied to me? - I know. I’m sorry. Jesus, I’m sorry. -你骗了我? -对不起. 上帝啊, 我很抱歉.
      [04:34.94]- But something happened along the way. - No kidding, you asshole. -但是这一路上的确有所不同. -别逗了, 你这混蛋.
      [04:37.62]- You gotta believe me. - How can I believe anything at this point? -你得相信我. -事到如今我还怎么相信?
      [04:42.98]That’s what I’m telling you. I didn’t plan for it to happen, but it did. 我要告诉你的是. 我不是有计划的让其发生, 可是就这样发生了.
      [04:47.18]I fell in love with you. 我爱上你了.
      [04:57.06]You can go to hell. You and my father both. 你去下地狱吧. 你和我爸一起.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      总统千金欧游记      
