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时间:2015-04-23 22:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.81]I shouldnt be making promises I dont intend to keep. 我不该许下我不打算遵守的诺言 [00:05.65]Maybe I can learn to lighten up a bit. 也许我该学会放松一下. [00:06.17]Sir. [00:07.69]Dad, thank you very much for
  •   [00:02.81]I shouldn’t be making promises I don’t intend to keep. 我不该许下我不打算遵守的诺言
      [00:05.65]Maybe I can learn to lighten up a bit. 也许我该学会放松一下.
      [00:07.69]Dad, thank you very much for not being mad about this. 爸爸,谢谢你没有为此而生气.
      [00:12.01]I was your age once too. I’m just glad you’re safe. 我也经历过你这个年龄. 你安全就好了.
      [00:16.21]I don’t know. 我不知道.
      [00:16.53]You know what? I’m gonna say it. You guys have officially turned into cool parents. 你知道吗?我正想这么说. 你们在往好的父母方向发展.
      [00:20.67]- Maybe you’re starting to... - Anna Catherine Foster... - 也许你们开始-- - 安娜 凯瑟琳 福斯特...
      [00:24.09]...you get yourself back here right now. ...你马上自己回来.
      [00:27.25]- Your little adventure is over with. - What? - 你的小历险结束了. - 什么?
      [00:28.93]See what your daughter’s been up to? I want her here now. 你看看你的宝贝女儿去过哪? 我要她现在马上回来.
      [00:32.61]- What about "let freedom ring"? - Where is she? - 你不是说要给她自由吗? - 她先在哪?
      [00:35.29]- Train station. - Listen to me. - 火车站. - 听我说.
      [00:37.29]You do not, you hear me, do not get on a train! 你听我说,你不得上火车!
      [00:41.49]Are you kidding? You traced my call? 你开什么玩笑? 你追踪我电话?
      [00:43.33]I’m your father. And the president. I’ll trace whatever I wanna trace. 我是你爸爸.堂堂美国大总统. 只要我想追踪就可以追踪.
      [00:48.53]Know what? I’ll meet you on the plane on Sunday. Trace this. 知道吗? 按计划我会在星期天才见你.报告完毕.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      总统千金欧游记      
