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时间:2015-04-21 16:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:32.29]Anna... 安娜... [02:37.29]But this is just way too out of control for me. 但这样的局面我无法控制. [02:37.45]...you are really great. ...你真的很好. [02:42.17]Im sorry. 对不起. [02:49.69]Of course you can kiss
  •   [02:32.29]Anna... 安娜...
      [02:37.29]But this is just way too out of control for me. 但这样的局面我无法控制.
      [02:37.45]...you are really great. ...你真的很好.
      [02:42.17]I’m sorry. 对不起.
      [02:49.69]Of course you can kiss me. 你可以吻我一下啊.
      [02:57.21]Weiss to Control. Returning home with Liberty. 我是 维斯 .正和 "自由小姐" 一起回来.
      [03:16.81]Good night. 晚安.
      [03:22.85]- Poor kid. - All right, well, at least she’s home safe. - 可怜的孩子. - 好了, 至少她算是安全回到家了.
      [03:24.21]How about I get you home safe? 我安全送你回家怎么样?
      [03:26.69]- How about I call you when I get there? - Sure. - 我回家后给你电话怎么样? - 好啊.
      [03:36.09]- You’re not gonna call me, are you? - No. - 你不会打电话给我, 是吗? - 是的.
      [03:39.61]It’s out of my way, anyway! 无论如何,我都会很吃惊的!
      [03:58.69]- How was the date? - I need to talk to him. - 约会还好吧? - 我要和他谈谈.
      [04:02.37]- I can’t let you in there, Anna. - Anna, wait. - 我不能让你进去, 安娜. - 安娜, 等等.
      [04:06.57]- Go on. - I’m not going. - 走吧. - 我不去.
      [04:10.25]Dad. 爸爸.
      [04:12.41]Way to go. I can’t believe you had that restaurant swarming7... 太过分了,我真无法相信你派你的私人保镖...
      [04:18.45]...with your secret servants. You ruined my date! ...挤满了整个饭店.你毁了我的约会!
      [04:20.81]And now I’m gonna die before I ever get to third base. 看来我死之前都无法踏出我的第三步.
      [04:25.81]I mean second base. 我意思是第二步.
      [04:38.21]Anna? 安娜?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      总统千金欧游记      
