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时间:2015-04-21 15:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:62.84]对不起,我不是女孩 Excuse me. Im not a girl. [02:63.52]哦,是的,确实是 Oh, OK. Certainly. Yes. [02:69.48]实际上,是的,他是个女孩子 In fact, yes, he is. Hes a big girl. [02:71.76]她实际上是他的妹
  •   [02:62.84]对不起,我不是女孩 Excuse me. I’m not a girl.
      [02:63.52]哦,是的,确实是 Oh, OK. Certainly. Yes.
      [02:69.48]实际上,是的,他是个女孩子 In fact, yes, he is. He’s a big girl.
      [02:71.76]她实际上是他的妹妹,维奥拉, He’s actually specifically his own sister, Viola,
      [02:74.08]她已经假扮他很久了 who’s been impersonating him for reasons which will become very clear
      [02:78.52]出于某些心理问题 after extensive psychoanalysis.
      [02:80.80]大家听着 Folks.
      [02:81.52]我保证,我是男的 I’m a boy. I promise.
      [02:84.96]- 证明 - 好吧 - Prove it. - OK.
      [03:31.52]天!我看见了 God! I saw it.
      [03:33.16]哇,鲍尔,干得好 Nice work, Paul. Wow.
      [03:34.44]这才是我儿子 That’s my boy.
      [03:38.92]凯文,闭上你的眼睛 Kevin, close your eyes.
      [03:39.60]足球是世界上最受欢迎的游戏 Soccer is the world’s favorite sport.
      [03:44.28]没什么可看的,没恶意 Nothing to see here. No offense4.
      [03:46.88]大家请等一下 Folks, please, hang on for one second.
      [03:48.72]你们互相先聊一下 Just talk amongst yourselves for a second.
      [03:51.52]麦尔肯姆! Malcolm!
      [03:55.68]就现在的情况你有什么可解释的么? Can you shed some light on the current situation?
      [03:60.76]先生,没有更多的解释了 Not any more than has already been shed, sir.
      [03:63.04]好的,女士们,听着 OK, lads, listen up now.
      [03:68.12]我们现在已经确定,这个孩子 Now that we’ve established this boy...
      [03:69.44]...是个男孩... ...is a boy...
      [03:73.40]...有没有可能我们开始比赛? ...is it possible we can get back to our game?
      [03:77.76]是的,请,刚才只是我们乱幽默.. Yes. Enjoy. That was a skit5 we...
      [03:79.76]好的,是的 OK. Yes.
      [03:83.16]让我们继续,兄弟们,加油 Let’s get to it, guys. Come on.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
