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时间:2015-04-21 15:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:56.24]把表停掉,就是这样,停下记时器 Stopping the clock. Thats it. Stop the clock. [01:57.80]怎么回事...? What the...? [01:58.60]我不太了解技术用语 I dont know the technical lingo2. [01:61.80]犰狳们,战斗
  •   [01:56.24]把表停掉,就是这样,停下记时器 Stopping the clock. That’s it. Stop the clock.
      [01:57.80]怎么回事...? What the...?
      [01:58.60]我不太了解技术用语 I don’t know the technical lingo2.
      [01:61.80]犰狳们,战斗犰狳,劳驾 Armadillos. Fighting Armadillos, please.
      [01:63.64]我需要大家凑近点. I need... Gather around.
      [01:65.08]我小时候也玩过橄榄球 还是象棋来着? I played soccer as a young man. Was it chess?
      [01:68.44]- 校长,有什么问题么? - 是的,非常不幸有点问题 - Is there a problem, principal? - Yes. Unfortunately there is.
      [01:71.92]但是我认为只有赛巴斯蒂安·海斯丁斯来告诉你们 But I think it’s only right that Sebastian Hastings tell you himself.
      [01:77.60]赛巴斯蒂安?孩子?... Sebastian? Son? Or...
      [01:82.88]你有什么要说的么? Do you have anything you’d like to say?
      [01:86.92]对不起,我球踢得不太好? I’m sorry I’m not a very good soccer player.
      [02:34.68]那好吧,请了解我下面要说的 Well then, please know that what I say,
      [02:36.08]让我非常之沉重 I say with a heavy heart.
      [02:43.36]女士们,先生们,尊敬的男同学们 Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed3 alumni,
      [02:47.80]以及赛巴斯蒂安·海斯丁斯的朋友和家人 friends and family of Sebastian Hastings,
      [02:48.40]我非常伤心地... I am grievously sad...
      [02:50.80]...告诉你们,赛巴斯蒂安·海斯丁斯 ...to inform you that Sebastian Hastings
      [02:54.16]是一个... 女孩子 is... a girl.
      [02:59.72]对不起,都是为了你好,你有一天会感谢我的 Sorry, it’s for your own good. You’ll thank me for it someday.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
