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时间:2015-04-07 22:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:51.24]亲爱的你不能再这样了! And, honey... you got to stop! [04:55.56]好? 你要告诉所有人事实真相 OK? So you just gotta tell everybody the truth. [04:57.52]要非常非常诚实 Be very, very honest. [04:57.64]用你
  •   [04:51.24]亲爱的……你不能再这样了! And, honey... you got to stop!
      [04:55.56]好? 你要告诉所有人事实真相 OK? So you just gotta tell everybody the truth.
      [04:57.52]要非常非常诚实 Be very, very honest.
      [04:57.64]用你自己的筹码去赢得胜利 Just let the chips fall where they may.
      [04:62.40]下次我再见到赛巴斯蒂安 我会直接上前去的 The next time I see Sebastian I’ll march right up to him.
      [04:62.52]- 你说得太对了 - 我知道 - You’re right. - I know.
      [04:67.68]你告诉他 You tell him.
      [04:67.88]- 你冲过去! - 然后我会告诉他我怎么想 - You march! - And I’ll tell him how I feel.
      [04:70.04]然后我会充满激情的吻他 Then I’ll kiss him so passionately10,
      [04:72.32]让哪怕恨他的人都有幸福感 that even the people he hates will feel pleasure.
      [04:76.32]你好啊,维奥拉. Hello, Viola.
      [04:78.80]哦,这可不妙 Oh, this is not good.
      [04:80.68]你也好啊,你个小婊子 And hello to you, you little homewrecker.
      [04:83.16]- 你是谁? - 我是塞巴斯蒂安女朋友 - Who are you? - I am Sebastiars girlfriend.
      [00:26.52]前女朋友 Ex-girlfriend.
      [00:30.04]听着,所有人都别再这么说了 OK, everybody’s got to stop saying that.
      [00:30.40]你就是那个前几天在批萨饼点被他抛弃的女人 You were the one he dumped in the pizza parlor1 the other day.
      [00:34.08]不,不,不,不,不, 他没甩了我 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. He did not dump me.
      [00:36.40]我们只是最近有点不和而已 We’re just going through a little bit of a rough patch.
      [00:41.48]我听说是他彻底的把你抛弃了 I heard he dumped you. He dumped you big.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
