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时间:2015-04-06 22:23来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:16.92]我真倒霉 Thats just my luck. [04:17.32]不,不,不,不 我不是那个意思 No. No, no, no. I mean, I didnt mean it like that. [04:18.88]只是,你知道 她,你知道,不,好了 Its just, you know, shes, you kn
  •   [04:16.92]我真倒霉 That’s just my luck.
      [04:17.32]不,不,不,不 我不是那个意思 No. No, no, no. I mean, I didn’t mean it like that.
      [04:18.88]只是,你知道 她…,你知道,不,好了 It’s just, you know, she’s, you know... No. OK.
      [04:23.56]我指,反过来想 你也,你知道…漂亮 I mean, on the other hand, you’re, you know, also...
      [04:27.72]- 是吗?谢谢 - 是啊 - I am? Thanks, I guess. - Yeah.
      [04:31.32]你不必跟她调情。你付了钱的 You don’t have to flirt6 with her first, genius. You’re paying for it.
      [04:34.00]你为何就不…悠着点 Why don’t you just... relax.
      [04:42.84]或许我该亲你了 Maybe I should kiss you now.
      [04:44.44]我给了那女孩票,拍了队 I gave that girl my ticket, and I waited in line.
      [04:48.72]那我也是我该做的 Well, it’s the least I can do.
      [04:56.40]好了,来吧 OK. Here I go.
      [00:11.28]嗯,我觉得那票挺值的 OK, I think that was one ticket’s won’th.
      [00:13.56]不,你还能再亲一会儿 No, you get a little bit more.
      [00:14.76]有没搞错 酒店就在街对面 Excuse me. The motel’s across the street.
      [00:16.96]- 维奥拉,这算什么意思?! - 排队伍后面去,浑小子 - Viola, what the hell1 is this?! - Back of the line, buttball.
      [00:21.32]干什么,杜飞丝 你敢碰我女朋友 Excuse me, doofus. You’re making out with my girlfriend.
      [00:25.20]前女友 Ex-girlfriend.
      [00:27.20]哇,你是塞巴斯蒂安的妹妹? Whoa, you’re Sebastiars sister?
      [00:29.36]你快活不成了 And you’re about to die.
      [00:32.56]难道要用你的眼泪淹死我? Are you gonna drown me in your tears?
      [00:34.16]我没哭 那时眼睛里进东西了 I did not cry. I had something in my eye.
      [00:35.16]好了,伙计们 就不能克制点吗? You know what, guys? Can we just dial it down?
      [00:39.20]各退一步,好吗? And just step away, OK?
      [00:42.08]她说得对 我们球场见 She’s right. I’ll see you on the soccer field,
      [00:42.80]以足球定胜负 and we’ll settle this all then.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
